This BBC documentary aired a couple of days ago in Britain. I watched the whole thing this morning. I guess I'll keep my thoughts generally on hold so that others can comment on it if they want to.
"Less than a month ago, AA President Edmund King had called for an end to the ‘two tribes’ mentality that polarises the cycle safety debate between cyclists and motorists. If anyone from the programme’s makers, Leopard Films, read his comments, it didn’t show."
""War on Britain's Roads" is a serious contender for the most sensational and irresponsible piece of journalism of the year... The documentary is a worthy heir of the work of Leni Riefenstahl."
"The documentary... is at best provocative in a way that might lead to more useful debate... At its worst, however, the film is sensationalist and dangerous. The footage it presents as everyday depicts Britain’s roads as an unremitting war zone."
"A viewer called Kate Bailey, said: 'This cyclist with glasses on BBC panorama actually deserves to be knocked off his bike and die!!!! Arrogant little t***'
So what do you think?